20th Octopus '24


Welp, Birthday went down pretty well. In fact my mood is alright. Feels good, ngl.

Aneywaaaaaaaay, this character is Octavia from my "Characters I designed and then drew like twice" folder. She's offering you a dance, and you(being a polite gentleman/lady) will accept it, right?

Some design detail:I couldn't figure out for the love of me how to have her stand while having tentacle limbs, so the way she stands is by grappling onto the rafters/ceiling/whatever is on the roof. So she basically moves like spiderman. The idea for that(AS well as the character herself) was based off Conjuctivus from Dead Cells. In fact, she originally started off as a humanization of Conjuctivus, though right now the only DNA they share is tentacles and some backstory, but still. All stuff gets inspired from somewhere, doesn't it?

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