Decided to make a blog for my thoughts and art or smth
Decided to start up this thing for October '24. Decided that since I like guns, and can draw guns, I may as well do what I know. I'll run this till I eventually run out of my allowed 1GB, then I'll see where can I go from hereAny critiscism, and messages to be delivered to my email( or Discord(Dimka1000). I may not respond immediately on either, partially due to RKN, partially due to being busy, partially due to being lazy
Anyways, here's dates for stuff
Content warning:This site is run by a fucking teenage nerd, so don't be surprised to see blood, lewd art, complaining about stupid things, swearing, and some general nerdery
Dates and links8/03/25:Nameless Art Dump no1
14/01/25:I ain't dead
22/12/24:No drawing, just an update
20/12/24:What's this "Stay up to date" shit?!
14/12/24:Dimka complains about RP vol.1
1/12/24:Dancing(And also the day my website went greenish)
24/11/24:Pew! Pew!
16/11/24:Once in an art process
11/11/24:"Hey! What's goin' on?"
27/10/24:Chromatic Abberation
11/10/24:RIP Discord
3/10/24:China Lake
1/10/24:AS VAL